Set Yourself Free
Today was awful. This job is making me hateful.
Does it really matter what this reading says or will I quit anyway? Probably.
Should I quit my job with no concrete plan?

1. Five of Wands
The Current Situation
Fives are about life’s conflicts. Wands are about action.
Focus your ambition to resolve conflict.
If I interpret this as a big green light to quit, my heart soars.
I’m relieved. I’m excited for the future.
If I interpret this as resolving problems with my boss, it literally makes me nauseous. Every day I go back there my body says “what the fuck are you doing?”
Five of Wands encourages enthusiasm without direction.
It trusts that, as a fire card, this fuel will surge dramatically with life and optimism.

2. Death Reversed
Don’t Do It / No
This tells me I’m resisting change. I’m struggling to let go and it’s causing problems. These problems aren’t resolved if I don’t act. These problems aren’t resolved if I wait for a comfortable solution. How long can I afford to be stagnant?
If I don’t embrace this feeling, I’ll lose this moment of opportunity.
I realize, despite my obvious bias and pig-headed conviction that the cards do not compel us to action. They cannot see the future, they are coming alive and speaking directly to me.
HOWEVER, this entire journey, and the experience of today that lives within it, is about tapping into my intuition. It’s about understanding my body, my mind, my spirit and how they interact with the world around me to help me make decisions.
It’s about connecting to whatever higher power is out there to understand that a higher me is out there.
Within reach! Within possibility!
Isn’t that what we all want? A break? A climatic moment of freedom that catapults us into momentum where we become something MORE?
What if this choice is the beginning of something big?
The longer I put it off, the longer I take to become who I want to be.

3. Justice
Do It / Yes
In my notes about Justice I’ve written “If this is the answer to a question, the answer is Yes”.
If I believe I’m on a journey to follow my intuition then I have to believe everything I’ve written in the past is here to serve me in the future. These notes are guiding me down the right path. They must be.
An interesting aside here is also that the Justice card mirrors the Magician card.When I did the Celtic Cross reading for my 31st year, I secretly interpreted the Magician (being the card of conflict) as my job, more specifically my boss. I didn’t want to give him so much credit as a villain but that’s how I saw him & the card. As a trickster that had been performing this charade we were all participating in.
Justice is the mirror of the Magician The reverse image.
Here it could encourage me to look at my life objectively. Without baggage, childhood conditioning or obligation and just look at the facts.
The fact is, I’ll figure it out.
The fact is, I’m quitting.

An After Thought
I took this spread image with all 5 cards. The fact is, I had made up my mind after card #3. But for educational purposes, I’ll explore the meanings of 4 and 5 here.
4. 9 of Cups Reversed
9 of Cups Reversed is hammering home that your professional life is unfulfilling. Your dream didn’t turn out as you hoped, you’re disappointed and unsatisfied. That certainly doesn’t change if you don’t change your circumstances.
5. Page of Swords Reversed
This Page can imply a lot of things. One thing being that you’re acting too hastily and not thinking things through. That’s probably true.
Another implication could be that you’re not acting as your true self. You’re holding back and staying quiet which is out of character.
Of course, I’ve picked interpretations that I think apply to me. That’s what intuition is.
And maybe I don’t know what’s on the other side of this decision. This Page might not help clarify much but I do know I’ll remain unhappy if I stay.