Time for a Mindset Shift
This was another hard week.
I’m still reeling from a lack of focus. The past five days were full of emotion and grief.
It’s been tough.
I wanted to let myself be sad. I let myself feel these deep feelings because I’ve been suppressing the same feelings for months. I’ve made a real effort to honor my emotions.
Still needing clarification, I pulled a reading for this week.
I elected to use Rachael Pollack’s Dr. Apollo’s 5 Card Spread in The New Tarot Handbook.

1. Queen of Pentacles Reversed
Known. You already know this, look at it more closely.
Upright the Queen of Pentacles is about expanding the experience of abundance. She is a community creator. She is fertile, magical, and generous.
Reversed she tells me that my anxiety is causing me to hold off on this major shift.
I know I’m in a time of transition and this negativity is keeping me trapped in my cycles.
I’m repeating. I’m scared of moving into the unknown. The hard work I knew was coming hit me like a ton of bricks. I wanted to be ready but I was not ready.
I’m being led into deeper abundance. I have to work inside myself to support this spiritual shift.

2. Knight of Swords Reversed
⚔️Libra 🤺 ♠️
Unknown. Something to learn.
Traditionally the Knight of Swords is one of the most action-oriented cards in the deck.
Reversed he is calling attention to my inaction.
It’s an interesting card to pull for “Unknown” but I believe this card is bringing attention to my lack of focus and muddled mind. I didn’t do any work on developing deeper wisdom this week.
I have a lot of work to do to overcome my regular adversaries.
That work is happening now, embrace it.

3. Knight of Cups
🌊 Pisces ♥️
Danger. Be careful of this.
Double Knights. That’s interesting.
Even upright, this Knight is serving as a warning I deserve. I’m sulking, being moody and giving into my worst emotions.
If I let my negativity take over, I’ll never go anywhere.
I’m also very much in a goal-dreaming stage. If I want to make progress on my big goals, I need to take some action steps. Even making a plan for those action steps would be something.

4.The Lovers Reversed
⚖️ Gemini💛
Opportunity. Something beneficial or powerful that can come from this.
Speaking of growth – Hey 8 of Wands!
I’ve been getting this card a lot.
It’s a continual reminder that I’m out of balance.
The Lovers Reversed wants me to get IN sync with my purpose.
It encourages healing. It encourages knowing your worth.
I should be working on my own wholeness. As the Opportunity card, this is a guiding reminder that there is spiritual work to be done. If I improve my mindset and embrace the moment, I’ll find balance.

5. 5 of Cups
🌊Scorpio 🦂♥
Action – a recommendation
This card is saying it’s time to move on.
I’ve had my emotional time, I’m glad I gave myself that space.
But, there is a bridge in the distance and a castle full of opportunity on the other side. New opportunities are on the horizon.
Wake up tomorrow with an ambitious & optimistic mindset.
Be open to opportunities and happiness. Put in the work, move forward, do good.
“See past the setbacks to find the opportunities, for hope all around you.”