Weekly Readings, March 12, 2023
Most of this blog has been about my own person tarot journey.
I truly enjoy this learning process and being able to reflect on each card in this space.
But intuition is a muscle and it has to be exercised like any other muscle group. To help strengthen my practice, I’m asking friends on Instagram for their weekly questions. I’ll pull one card to answer and elaborate on each response.

How will my job search go this week?
Ace of Cups
This is a fun card to get for a career question!
This Ace suggests new opportunities could be coming in a creative way. That could mean through relationships/connections or the result of a creative project.
If you’re feeling inspired this week, seize the opportunity! Something big might come of it.

Will my guinea pig have a smooth birth or should I prepare for complications?
Page of Wands Reversed
Pages are generally optimistic but can be a little foolhearty. It looks like a few minor complications might be around the corner. The Page of Wands is about new beginnings, taking new action, starting a new life (sometimes literally!). The reversal would suggest a setback but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Be ready for anything!

Will this entanglement move forward?
9 of Swords Reversed
Ooof. This card is not a great sign. But, it’s reminding us that negativity can also be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Swords are about mindset.
If your negative-self talk and inner critique are keeping you in a bad headspace, they’re holding you back from making a deeper connection.
Reflect on if this is something you truly want. If it is, work on yourself and work toward the goal. If it’s not, you have your answer.
I really enjoy doing these readings.
They’re always good practice, they bring up cards I don’t typically see and they’re fun!
But I’m struggling to find my interpretive voice through this learning process. The sources I use are prophetic in nature and that makes sense, for them.
I don’t have a naturally prophetic or poetic voice. I speak frankly and directly. I use humor where ever possible.
It’s an interesting problem because people generally ask questions when things aren’t going well. They ask when they’re nervous, sad or something’s weighing on their minds.
If everything is good, you’re probably not asking the Universe ‘why?’; you’re just enjoying the moment.
But I need to find my voice in the explanations. I need to find a tone that makes sense for my spirit.