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In the Cards

 This is tarot with Midwestern practicality. 

This section of the blog is filled with tarot, rituals, rites, and spiritual revelations. It’s not supposed to be that serious but, of course, there will always be a reflective tone to the spiritual space. 

As with anything, spiritual practices are incredibly personal. No one is an expert in your journey. 

Take what you need, leave the rest. 

Queen of Wands Rider Waite Deck
Hiking Owl Canyon, Lake Mead Recreational Area, outside Las Vegas, NV

Hiking Las Vegas: Owl Canyon, Lake Mead Recreational Area

Hike in Las Vegas! Owl Canyon, Lake Mead Recreational Area, 40 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip. Hike Difficultly: 2/5 Fun Factor: 3/5
New Moon Tarot Spread for starting a new chapter.

New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon Tarot Reading  Endings Themes CharactersToday marks the New Moon in Aquarius. I will not pretend to fully understand what that means. It was easy for me, a Capricorn, to understand what the New Moon in my sign would bring ME, specifically. But, what...
Death tarot card in the Rider Waite tarot deck

Weekly Readings, January 28, 2024

Chicago tarot reader, Amy Jones pulls weekly cards for her friends and family. Learn tarot meanings, navigate your intuition and have some fun with this midwestern intuitive.

Set Yourself Free

Set Yourself Free

Set Yourself Free Today was awful. This job is making me hateful.Does it really matter what this reading says or will I quit anyway? Probably. Should I quit my job with no concrete plan?1. Five of Wands The Current Situation Fives are about life’s conflicts. Wands are...

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An Evening with Judgment

An Evening with Judgment

An Evening with Judgement  Resurrection Release  Judgement is about resurrection.  It’s about transitioning to a new life and coming out free.  Release the old life, you’ve learned the lessons you needed to learn. What card will help me get through the week?...

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Time for a Mindset Shift

Time for a Mindset Shift

Time for a Mindset Shift   This was another hard week.  I’m still reeling from a lack of focus. The past five days were full of emotion and grief.It’s been tough.  I wanted to let myself be sad. I let myself feel these deep feelings because I’ve been suppressing...

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a Melancholy Reading for January

a Melancholy Reading for January

a Melancholy Reading for January   *cue dramatic voiceover* The last time we saw our heroin she had received disappointing news and was promptly slapped in the face by the flip of a Strength Reversed. She then, in an effort to be a better self, did not follow...

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a Card Pull for Disappointment

a Card Pull for Disappointment

a Card Pull for Disappointment   I got the disappointing news today.  I fully admit I’m angry. I’m angry & sad.I’m grieving over this lost opportunity. I’m disappointed in my lack of ability.  Logically, I understand that this news has nothing to do with my...

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an Anxious Card Pull

an Anxious Card Pull

an Anxious Card Pull   Tonight I’m anxious.  I’m anxious that I haven’t been manifesting correctly. That I’m not powerful enough, focused enough, or good enough to make change happen. I’m worried. I’m full of doubt.  So, I’m doing a reading.  What should I do?...

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